This week on ‘The Success Diaries’ podcast, we welcome Kate Ellwanger, Producer, Vocalist and Multi-Instrumentalist. Kate shares how she measures success by how she feels when she wakes up every morning. Kate uses a powerful appreciation practice and shares what happened in her career when she stopped doing everything on her own.

What is your first thought each morning when you wake up? Is it appreciation? Or dread? This week on ‘The Success Diaries’ podcast I get to interview Producer, Vocalist and Multi-Instrumentalist, Kate Ellwanger. Kate shares how she measures success by how she feels when she wakes up every morning by using a powerful appreciation practice. Our conversation also dives into the idea of overnight success. Kate began her career over a decade ago and is now being lauded as a must watch new artist as she opens for artists like David Guetta and The Glitch Mob. Kate shares what happened in her career and how she began to access even more of the magic of the Universe when she stopped doing everything on her own and brought on a supportive team around her. Catch the entire episode at then drop back here and let me know your biggest takeaway.

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Hey Entrepreneur… Are you overworking and underliving?

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