Today on ‘The Success Diaries’ podcast we welcome Lisa Beck, Wellness Catalyst. Lisa shares how success is a combination of micro and macro experiences – everything from brushing your teeth to living your soul’s truth. She shares with us how to hold space for both experiences and stay in the perspective of success.

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free training for entrepreneurs

Hey Entrepreneur… Are you overworking and underliving?

It’s like you’re running a marathon on a hamster wheel each day, and the results you’re getting just feel…. meh.

I mean, they’re acceptable results. For all intents and purposes, you’re technically a successful entrepreneur.

The problem? You want exceptional results that allow you to work less and live more.

Welcome to The Reset: A Business Makeover. This FREE 5-day training will help you go from overworking and under living to a balanced schedule that allows you to actually LIVE (and enjoy!) the life you’ve built for yourself!

Sign up now to get your access to this free training:
