This week on ‘The Success Diaries’ podcast, we welcome Anne Bonney, Keynote Speaker and Courage Ignitor. Anne shares how she creates success in her life by evaluating both the risks and rewards of staying where she is, as well as making a change in her life. Her motto is ‘Don’t wait for it to be comfortable’ and she shares with us how to use discomfort to create success!
Where do you spend most of your time – inside your comfort zone or in the discomfort zone?
This week on ‘The Success Diaries’ podcast, I interview Keynote Speaker and Courage Ignitor Anne Bonney. Anne’s motto is ‘Don’t wait for it to be comfortable’. Anne has purposefully used discomfort to shape her success. In fact, in this interview she shares how she left a high paying corporate job to move into her parent’s basement to start her (now wildly successful) speaking business. Talk about discomfort!
One of the biggest takeaways from this episode is how Anne evaluates risk to creates success in her life by identifying both the risks and rewards of staying where she is, as well as making a change in her life. She constantly asks herself, “What am I missing by staying where I am?” and “How amazing could it be?”
Catch the entire episode at and drop your biggest takeaway in the comments below.
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Hey Entrepreneur… Are you overworking and underliving?
It’s like you’re running a marathon on a hamster wheel each day, and the results you’re getting just feel…. meh.
I mean, they’re acceptable results. For all intents and purposes, you’re technically a successful entrepreneur.
The problem? You want exceptional results that allow you to work less and live more.
Welcome to The Reset: A Business Makeover. This FREE 5-day training will help you go from overworking and under living to a balanced schedule that allows you to actually LIVE (and enjoy!) the life you’ve built for yourself!
Sign up now to get your access to this free training: