entrepreneur podcast

Have you ever felt like you’re standing at the edge of a cliff, staring at your big goal on the other side, but paralyzed because you can’t see the path to get there? You’re not alone. This is the number one challenge I see entrepreneurs face — the dreaded “but how?” question that stops them dead in their tracks.

Here’s the truth: you’re never going to see the full path to your goals from where you stand right now. And that’s okay. In fact, it’s completely normal.

Think of it like hiking a new trail. When you’re in the parking lot, you can only see the trailhead. You can’t see what’s around the first bend, let alone what’s at mile marker five. But does that stop you from taking that first step? Of course not!

The same principle applies to your entrepreneurial journey. You don’t need to know every twist and turn to get started. You just need to take that first step. Listen to the full episode of Big Goal Energy Here:

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Why Your Brain Says “Impossible”

As a trained hypnotherapist, I’ve studied how our brains work. When we ask our brain a question it doesn’t have an answer to, it often responds with “impossible.” It’s not because your goal is actually impossible, but because your brain doesn’t have the programming to understand how to get there yet.

Your brain is like a computer — it can’t outperform its programming. And right now, it’s likely operating on outdated information from your past experiences. The good news? You can update that programming.

Reframing the “But How?” Question

Instead of getting stuck on “but how?”, try reframing your internal dialogue. Here are some powerful statements to use:

  • I don’t need to know how. I trust that I have what it takes to bring this to life.
  • All I need to know right now is my next step.
  • I’m resilient and resourceful. I’ll figure it out as I go.

The Power of Trust and Action

Bringing big goals to life requires an enormous amount of trust – in yourself, in the universe, and in the process. You have to trust that:

  1. You have what it takes to bring your vision to life
  2. You’ll be resourceful enough to find what you need along the way
  3. The universe is supporting you, even when it doesn’t feel like it
  4. Any “no” you receive is happening for you, not to you
  5. You have the resilience to overcome obstacles and detours

But trust alone isn’t enough. You need to pair it with action. Remember, you can’t steer a parked car. You need to start moving to see where the path leads.

Your Challenge: Take That First Step

I’m challenging you right now to identify and commit to your first step. It doesn’t have to be big – in fact, it’s better if it’s small and achievable. But it needs to be something concrete that moves you forward.

Once you’ve identified that step, commit to a date to complete it. Write it down, tell a friend, or better yet, email me at info [at] briseeley [dot] com. Sometimes, we all need a little accountability to get moving.

Embracing the Journey

Remember, entrepreneurship is a journey of constant growth and learning. You’re not supposed to have all the answers right now. The magic happens when you start moving, stay open to opportunities, and trust in your ability to figure things out along the way.

So, are you ready to take that first step? Your big goal is waiting for you. Trust yourself, take action, and watch as the path unfolds before you. You’ve got this!


The resources mentioned in this episode are:

🔥Visit https://briseeley.com/free to get free access to DEFY REALITY: The Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Achieving Her Audaciously Ambitious Goals.

🔥Join the free entrepreneurial community at https://briseeley.com/community for opportunities to connect with powerful women aiming towards big dreams and visions.

🔥Subscribe to the Big Goal Energy podcast for more upcoming episodes and valuable wisdom.

free training for entrepreneurs

Hey Entrepreneur… Do you have audacious and “unrealistic” goals?

Maybe they periodically feel delusional and unachievable and it leaves you doubting whether or not you actually want to go after them.

But you’re not the kind of person who settles for ordinary and you’re finally ready to defy reality.

Welcome to DEFY REALITY: The Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Achieving Her Audaciously Ambitious Goals. This FREE workbook was designed to help you:

  • claim the 110% inevitability of your big, delusional goals
  • banish your doubts
  • learn the exact steps to take to defy reality

Sign up now to get your access to this free workbook: