Audrey Godwin experienced a heartbreaking divorce and uncertain future, leading her on a journey of self-discovery and healing to find her true purpose and to become an example that going after your dreams is the responsible thing to do.
Audrey Godwin is an experienced CPA and CFO who has created the ‘Position for Profit’ framework to align vision and values for lasting financial sustainability and generational wealth. She is passionate about empowering women to achieve their financial goals and dreams.
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Hey Entrepreneur… Are you overworking and underliving?
It’s like you’re running a marathon on a hamster wheel each day, and the results you’re getting just feel…. meh.
I mean, they’re acceptable results. For all intents and purposes, you’re technically a successful entrepreneur.
The problem? You want exceptional results that allow you to work less and live more.
Welcome to The Reset: A Business Makeover. This FREE 5-day training will help you go from overworking and under living to a balanced schedule that allows you to actually LIVE (and enjoy!) the life you’ve built for yourself!
Sign up now to get your access to this free training: