entrepreneur podcast

Let’s get real for a second, ambitious entrepreneurs. How many times have you found yourself burning the midnight oil, sacrificing your well-being, and pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion in pursuit of your business goals? If you’re nodding your head right now, you’re not alone. I’ve been there too, and let me tell you, it’s time for a major mindset shift.

For far too long, we’ve bought into the myth that success equals sacrifice. We’ve glorified the hustle culture, wearing our exhaustion like a badge of honor. But here’s the truth bomb I’m dropping today: overworking and under-living isn’t just unsustainable – it’s downright counterproductive.

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The Overworking Epidemic

Think about it. How many holiday movies have you seen where the workaholic parent has an epiphany about missing out on life? (I’m looking at you, “Elf.”) It’s a trope so common it’s become cliché. Yet, somehow, we’re still falling into this trap in real life.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that success requires us to work ourselves to the bone. But let me ask you this: if the wealthiest people in the world aren’t overworking, why are we?

The 80/20 Rule: Your New Best Friend

Here’s a mind-bending concept for you: to 10x your business, you need to do 80% less. I know, I know – it sounds like crazy talk. But stick with me here.

The principle is simple:

  • 20% of what you’re doing is getting you 80% of your results
  • So why on earth are you wasting time on the other 80%?

It’s time to flip the script. Instead of spreading yourself thin, focus on amplifying that golden 20%. This isn’t about working harder – it’s about working smarter.

How to Identify Your Power Moves

Ready to reclaim your time and sanity? Here’s your action plan:

  • Track Your Time
  • For at least a week, jot down how you spend every 15 minutes of your workday. I promise you’ll be shocked at how much time you’re wasting on busywork.
  • Analyze Your Results
  • Look at each task and ask yourself: “What tangible result did this produce for my business?” Be brutally honest.
  • Outsource and Delegate
  • Go through that 80% list of tasks that aren’t moving the needle. Can you outsource them? Delegate them? Or better yet, eliminate them entirely?
  • Amplify Your 20%
  • Now, focus on that 20% that’s actually driving results. How can you do more of this? Can you streamline these processes or make them even more effective?

The Weekly Check-In: Your Secret Weapon

One of the most powerful habits I’ve developed is my Friday check-in. Every week, I sit down and ask myself:

  • What brought in new clients this week?
  • What helped grow my email list?
  • Where did I see the biggest ROI on my time?
  • What activities felt like a waste?

This simple practice has been transformative. It keeps me focused on what truly matters and helps me continually refine my approach.

Embracing the Thriving Entrepreneur Lifestyle

Here’s the beautiful truth: you don’t have to sacrifice your health, relationships, or sanity to build a successful business. In fact, I’d argue that true success requires you to prioritize these things.

Imagine a Venn diagram where your personal well-being, your business success, and your big audacious goals all overlap. That sweet spot in the middle? That’s where the magic happens.

Your Call to Action: Defy the Overworking Myth

It’s time to challenge the status quo. To defy the reality that says you have to sacrifice everything for your ambition. Here’s what I want you to do:

  • Implement the time-tracking exercise we discussed
  • Identify your power moves – that 20% that’s driving results
  • Ruthlessly eliminate, delegate, or outsource tasks that aren’t serving you
  • Schedule a weekly check-in to keep yourself accountable

Remember, your big goals aren’t just about the destination – they’re about who you become on the journey. And trust me, you deserve to thrive every step of the way.

Are you ready to rewrite the rules of entrepreneurial success? To build a business that fuels your life, rather than draining it? The choice is yours. Let’s defy reality together and create a new paradigm of success – one where we get to have it all, without losing ourselves in the process.

Your future self – and your bank account – will thank you for it!

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

🔥Visit https://briseeley.com/free to get free access to DEFY REALITY: The Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Achieving Her Audaciously Ambitious Goals.

🔥Join the free entrepreneurial community at https://briseeley.com/community for opportunities to connect with powerful women aiming towards big dreams and visions.

🔥Subscribe to the Big Goal Energy podcast for more upcoming episodes and valuable wisdom.

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Hey Entrepreneur… Do you have audacious and “unrealistic” goals?

Maybe they periodically feel delusional and unachievable and it leaves you doubting whether or not you actually want to go after them.

But you’re not the kind of person who settles for ordinary and you’re finally ready to defy reality.

Welcome to DEFY REALITY: The Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Achieving Her Audaciously Ambitious Goals. This FREE workbook was designed to help you:

  • claim the 110% inevitability of your big, delusional goals
  • banish your doubts
  • learn the exact steps to take to defy reality

Sign up now to get your access to this free workbook: