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Are you ready to shake things up and become the powerhouse entrepreneur you know you’re meant to be? It’s time to talk about one of the most crucial mindset shifts you need to make: thinking and acting like your future successful self.

As female entrepreneurs, we often get stuck in patterns and decision-making processes that reflect our past or current circumstances. But here’s the thing – if you want to create a new reality for yourself and your business, you need to start making choices aligned with where you’re going, not where you’ve been.

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The Power of Future-Focused Decision Making

Think about it – every choice you make is either moving you closer to your goals or keeping you stagnant. When you start making decisions as your future self would, you’re essentially creating a bridge between your current reality and the one you’re aspiring to.

Breaking Free from Past Limitations

Let me share a personal story that illustrates this perfectly. Back in 2016, I was living in an apartment that no longer served me. It was a great starter place when I first moved to LA, but I had outgrown it both personally and professionally.

Logically, it made sense to stay. I was only paying $300 a month in rent thanks to Airbnb-ing the second bedroom. But spiritually and emotionally? It was costing me way more than that.

Embracing the Leap

I made the decision to look for a new place – one that aligned with who I was becoming, not who I had been. When I found my dream apartment, it came with a $2,200 monthly price tag. That’s a big jump from $300!

But here’s where the magic happens: by making this decision aligned with my future self, I opened up new possibilities. The very next month, I hit another $50,000 in sales. I was able to upgrade my car shortly after. My business consistently stayed at five-figure months from that point on.

How to Start Making Future-Focused Decisions

So, how can you start incorporating this mindset into your own entrepreneurial journey? Here are some key steps:

1. Cultivate Self-Awareness

Start paying attention to your thoughts and decision-making processes. Ask yourself: “Is this thought coming from who I’ve been, or who I’m becoming?”

2. Start Small

You don’t have to make massive changes overnight. Begin by making one small decision differently today, another tomorrow, and so on. These small shifts compound over time.

3. Get Clear on Your Vision

You need to have a crystal-clear picture of who you’re becoming and what you’re moving towards. Without this clarity, it’s easy to fall back into old patterns.

4. Be Willing to Let Go

Sometimes, embracing your future self means letting go of things that no longer serve you. This could be clients, services, or even relationships that are holding you back.

The Ripple Effect of Future-Focused Decisions

When you start making decisions aligned with your future self, you create a powerful ripple effect:

  • You raise your standards: When I moved into that $2,200 apartment, I couldn’t show up as the person who was content with a $300 rent payment anymore.
  • You open up new possibilities: By aligning your actions with your future vision, you create space for new opportunities to emerge.
  • You build confidence: Each decision you make from this empowered place reinforces your belief in yourself and your abilities.
  • You accelerate your growth: By consistently choosing your future over your past, you fast-track your personal and professional development.

Embracing the Discomfort

Let’s be real – this shift isn’t always comfortable. It can be scary to make decisions based on a future that doesn’t exist yet. But that’s exactly where the growth happens.

Remember, every successful entrepreneur you admire has had to make these leaps of faith. They’ve had to trust in their vision and make decisions that might have seemed illogical or risky at the time.

Your Turn to Defy Reality

So, my ambitious friend, I challenge you to start making decisions as your future successful self today. What’s one choice you can make right now that aligns with where you want to be, rather than where you are?

  • Maybe it’s investing in that course you’ve been eyeing,
  • hiring that assistant you know you need,
  • or finally raising your prices to reflect your true value.

Whatever it is, take that step. Trust that you have what it takes to grow into that decision.

Remember, your big, audacious goals are not just possible – they’re inevitable. But only if you start acting like the person who has already achieved them.

Are you ready to defy reality and step into your future? Your success is waiting for you to claim it!

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

🔥Visit https://briseeley.com/free to get free access to DEFY REALITY: The Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Achieving Her Audaciously Ambitious Goals.

🔥Join the free entrepreneurial community at https://briseeley.com/community for opportunities to connect with powerful women aiming towards big dreams and visions.

🔥Subscribe to the Big Goal Energy podcast for more upcoming episodes and valuable wisdom.

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Hey Entrepreneur… Do you have audacious and “unrealistic” goals?

Maybe they periodically feel delusional and unachievable and it leaves you doubting whether or not you actually want to go after them.

But you’re not the kind of person who settles for ordinary and you’re finally ready to defy reality.

Welcome to DEFY REALITY: The Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Achieving Her Audaciously Ambitious Goals. This FREE workbook was designed to help you:

  • claim the 110% inevitability of your big, delusional goals
  • banish your doubts
  • learn the exact steps to take to defy reality

Sign up now to get your access to this free workbook: